A Quiet Place

Quiet, you ask? Do you know about my roomie, dorm, and the clogged hallways that I travel on the way to a class?  As I cross the street, there are passing cars, buses, people on their cell phones, and I am dodging bikers, skate-boarders, and roller-blade fans. Oops, I forgot the sweaty joggers.

Scripture and history offer many examples of men and women who sought quiet. Being in a quiet space offers the opportunity to pray, finish a thought, listen to Scripture and be refreshed. In the Bible, some of the people God shaped while they were in the wilderness include Moses (Exodus 2:1-25), Elijah (1 King 19:1-18), John the Baptist (Mark 1:4-8), Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11) and Paul (Galatians 1:11-24).

Following Constantine’s affirmation of Christianity as the faith of the Roman Empire, godly men and women, called the Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers, moved to isolated places where they were sought after for their wisdom and prayers. (For more about these women and men, see Reading the Christian Spiritual Classics by InterVarsity Press, 2013).

Often, during the college years and beyond, we need to intentionally seek quiet. You might find quiet places in your campus chapel or library, or at a museum, in a nearby park, or on a secluded campus path.

And, when you find that place, what will you do? Let me suggest a few simple steps.

  • Breathe deeply, appreciate the space where you are, and welcome Jesus into the quiet.
  • Go to a favorite Scripture and read it slowly. Think about the words and how they might enrich your life. Or, you might consider reading Psalm 23, Matthew 11:28-30 or Revelation 22:1-6.
  • Quiet is often enriched by writing down your thoughts as you pray. This helps you to remember where God is leading you.

Practicing silence and solitude for 10-30 minutes is a great way to begin a more regular habit of quiet and reflection. Our world only gets noisier and more complicated. The simple act of finding a quiet place and meeting Jesus there can be a place of blessing. Quiet? Yes!

About the Author
National Field Director - Assistant to the Director of Collegiate Ministries

Roger Anderson serves as National Field Director - Assistant to the Director of Collegiate Ministries. He and his wife, Jennifer (writer/proofreader in InterVarsity's Advancement Department), live in Madison, Wisconsin. They have three grown children, daughters, Kelly and Whitney, and son, Christopher. Roger has been with InterVarsity since 1973.