Bobby Gross

Bobby has been with InterVarsity since 1977 in a variety of area, regional and national roles. He has served as National Director of Graduate and Faculty Ministries since 2009 to encourage and equip graduate students and faculty to follow Christ and become a redeeming influence in universities and professions. He is the author of Living the Christian Year (IVP). He and his wife, Charlene, live in Atlanta, Georgia. They have one grown son, Evan.

Contributions by Bobby Gross

I write this on November 1, All Saints Day. We all know about Halloween, that crazy day in our culture when little kids trick-or-treat for candy and college kids revel in costumes for fun.

For many of us, summer is a welcome change of pace or environment. What is your summer situation? Home on semester break? Still on campus for summer semester as an undergrad or for ongoing research as a grad student? Studying abroad? Working a summer job? Any vacation plans? Summer can be a gift, but it also can present some temptations, like taking a little vacation from God.

My son just turned 26, and I often wonder if he sees me. He'll stop by for a visit and a nice conversation precipitated by my non-intrusive questions. Then as he is leaving, I say with a tinge of sarcasm, "So how was your week, Dad?" He'll glance up sheepishly, "Oh right... how was your week Dad?" I know he has to go, so I laugh and say, "Next time." I'm just trying to remind him that I am an actual person too, not just his "parental unit." In a similar way, it is easy for students to see faculty as figures rather than full-orbed human beings.

We’ve just celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus and now we’re invited to extend our celebration for the seven weeks that make up the season of Easter in the Christian Year.

In the Christian calendar, January 6 is the Feast of Epiphany. The day commemorates the story of the Eastern magi, or wise ones, who sought out Jesus to pay him kingly homage. The word epiphany means “to bring to light” or “to make manifest” and, in this case, refers to the revealing of Christ to the Gentiles.

I’ve learned how much the Advent season holds, how it breaks into our lives with images of light and dark, first and last things, watchfulness and longing…. —Kathleen Norris

Jesus’ band of followers already knew a lot about prayer. They were used to praying in their homes and at the synagogue.
