
“If the Bible is true, shouldn’t it always be the same and not change with context? Shouldn’t it be obvious to everyone everywhere, all the time?” This was the earnest question of a Stanford graduate student in our apologetics small group.

Last summer a group of us from our fellowship went to hear the San Francisco Symphony play the soundtrack live at a screening of the Star Trek reboot movie. It was phenomenal!

What does it mean for Christians to talk about the Bible as authoritative? How is our authoritative scripture—and the God whom it reveals—different from authoritarian leaders or governing principles?

How would you answer questions directed at you about understanding God’s will, human responsibility in light of God’s sovereignty, or the validity of other religions?

“This whole Trinity thing is useless,” said the student who benefitted from the doctrine every single week without realizing it.

I’ve been in some pretty demanding full time ministry settings for most of my adult life, so I guard my time off with careful intentionality.  But sometimes I fool myself into believing that rest m

“What is your group’s view of homosexuality?” I sat across the desk from the Vice President for Student Life as she asked me this direct question in the midst of a campus access issue in 2010. To this day, I'm not sure  if my answer was a dodge, or sheer inspiration, or just fumbling.
