When I have some time to myself to do whatever I want, I am usually in one of two places -– in my garage woodworking or on a lake fishing. In one corner of my garage is a pile of boards.
I remember standing in the hotel lobby like it was yesterday. As a young leader, I walked up to two male colleagues, both friends, and posed a question for conversation about my work.
As an Area Director in the Pacific Region a couple of years ago, I can vividly remember several conversations about the lack of strong male leaders in many of our chapters.
Whatever emotional state you find yourself in as you finish the school year and head into or finish chapter camp, I want you to know how thankful I am for you and your service to our Lord.
At least, any vision sufficient to drive us to prayer, propel us to action and sustain us in discouragement does. It arises from the dissonance between current reality and God’s intention.